W sumie to podoba mi się ten telefon za 8k PLN co ma trzy ekrany i z dwóch rozkłada się jeden duży ale jest całkiem gruby i pewnie łatwo bym go uszkodził bo lubię rzucać telefonem o ścianę tak se o albo kręcić nim niczym fidget spinnerem #przegryw
AN HONEST LIVING Homeowner's Terrorizes Honest Hardworking Housemaid Amelia (Anny Aurora), a hardworking and honest housemaid, casts uncertain looks over her shoulder as she cautiously approaches her employer, Mr. Winters. There's something she's been wanting to tell him for months, and today's the day that she's finally going to do it. Yet, she freezes as she stands before Mr. Winters, who is impatiently waiting for her to spit it out. Although Amelia
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