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W USA zaczęto używać określenia "justice gap" na sytuacje w sądach, gdzie kobiety mogą liczyć na łagodniejsze wyroki niż mężczyźni. W Arizonie pewna kobieta została skazana na trzy lata dozoru sądowego za próbę otrucia męża, gdy miesiącami wlewała mu do kawy wybielacz. Para była w trakcie rozwodu. Na dodatek w Arizonie panuje prawo "no-fault divorce", gdzie wystarczy, że jeden małżonek złoży pozew o rozwód, uznając że małżeństwo jest nieodwracalnie zniszczone i rozwód dochodzi do skutku, a alimenty oczywiście nadal są zasądzane i otrzymuje je małżonek będący w słabszej sytuacji finansowej. Ciekawy przypadek - kobieta dokonała próby morderstwa, nie idzie do więzienia i zaraz będzie dostawać pieniądze od swojej niedoszłej ofiary. Kukoldstan.

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A Tucson woman who poisoned her husband’s coffee every day for months last year was sentenced to probation, according to court documents filed Thursday.

Melody Feliciano Johnson, 40, was sentenced to three years of probation after pleading guilty to two felony counts of adding poison or another harmful substance to food or drink. Through a plea deal, Melody was able to drop her original charges of attempted first-degree murder and attempted aggravated assault for adding trace amounts of bleach to her husband Roby Johnson’s coffee maker.

Roby told investigators in a criminal report that he believed his wife was poisoning him with bleach in an attempt “to kill him to collect death benefits.” His suspicions arose in March of 2023 when Roby, a member of the U.S. Air Force, first noticed that his coffee tasted foul while being stationed in Germany with his family. At the time, he and Melody were living together with their child but were in the process of a divorce.

Roby continued to drink the coffee for two to three weeks before using pool testing strips to determine what was causing the foul taste. Roby told detectives that after testing his family’s tap water, which generated typical readings, he tested his coffee and found that it contained “high levels” of chlorine.

Roby stated in documents that his wife knew he would prepare his coffee pot at night, so that he would only need to turn it on in the morning to make his coffee.

Court records showed that Roby pretended to drink the coffee for the rest of the time that the family was in Germany, as he did not want to alert authorities about his discovery in Europe.

When the family returned to Tucson in late June, Roby installed a camera inside their temporary housing at an Air Force base to observe his wife’s behavior. The camera recorded video of Melody allegedly putting bleach in his coffee.

Roby then filed a report with the Tucson Police Department on July 6, but officers did not investigate further because the video footage he captured did not clearly depict what liquid Melody was pouring into his coffee. As a result, Roby installed higher-quality hidden cameras in the family’s laundry room, where the bleach was, and above the coffee maker.

On July 18, Roby returned to police with new video footage that allegedly showed Melody putting bleach into a container before pouring it into the coffee maker, which he said only he used.

After a search, investigators found that the liquid inside the coffee maker allegedly smelled like bleach, and Melody was arrested.
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@NiebieskiMiszmasz To prawda, aczkolwiek w USA konserwatyści sprzeciwiają się no fault divorce a w prawackim Teksasie są całkiem rozsądne zasady pezyznawania alimentów, które nie pozwalają na to, by jedna strona pasożytowała na drugiej.

Also, in Texas, there is a legal presumption that alimony is not appropriate. Once the requesting spouse can reasonably demonstrate that he/she has given the best effort in good faith to secure an independent income but failed, only then
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@UberWygryw udajesz infantylnego czy serio taki jesteś?

Mamy tony danych że zwycięstwo Trumpa zależy od wyborców o niskiej skłonności

To właśnie ci wyborcy którzy nie chodzili na wybory śródokreoswe ale poszli na prezydenckie sprawili że Trump był w 2016 i 2020 bardzo niedoszacowany

W 2020 Biden "wygrał" Arizonę o 0,31%, zatem jak najbardziej można wierzyć w to że Trump ją odwróci
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