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Start rakiety Delta IV Heavy wraz z satelitą NROL-37
11 czerwca 2016 19:51
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Launch site: SLC-37B, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida

A United Launch Alliance Delta 4-Heavy rocket will launch a classified spy satellite cargo for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office. The largest of the Delta 4 family, the Heavy version features three Common Booster Cores mounted together to form a triple-body rocket. Delayed from April 27, May 12, June 3 and June 4. Scrubbed on June 9.

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blamedrop - Start rakiety Delta IV Heavy wraz z satelitą NROL-37
11 czerwca 2016 19:...

źródło: comment_FybZhU5Zh690oqGDEDAUQDq3aQTUC5Kp.jpg

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